United for Cyprus
Greek Cypriots (The Republic of Cyprus)
Greek Cypriots make up most of the population (75.4%). They speak Greek and most are members of the Greek Orthodox church.The south of Cyprus has a more successful economy than the north. One important reason for this is tourism. The island is visited by millions of tourists every year.
Turkish Cypriots (occupied territory of Cyprus)
On 18 November 1983, the illegally occupied part of North Cyprus was unilaterally declared as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). A state that no other country with the exception of Turkey recognises. Turkey instigated an attempted secession of the occupied areas through a ‘Declaration of Unilateral Independence’ by the Turkish Cypriot leadership. This secessionist act was immediately and categorically denounced by the international community. The UN Security Council declared it ‘legally invalid’.
Turkish Cypriots make up 10% of the population. Their main language is Turkish and most are Muslims. The biggest economic activity in the north of Cyprus is farming. People in the north of Cyprus are proud of their Turkish Cypriot identity but many are also keen to be part of the EU.
Policy towards Turkish Cypriots
Every citizen of the Republic of Cyprus, irrespective of national or religious background, is eligible to enjoy all rights provided for by the Constitution and International Conventions signed by Cyprus.
Following the Turkish invasions of July and August 1974 several thousand Turkish Cypriots remained in the districts of Paphos and Limassol. In November 1974, the Government of Cyprus tried to encourage the Turkish Cypriots to stay in their homes instead of yielding to the pressures of the Turkish side and move to the occupied part of the island. However, during early 1975 the Turkish Cypriots who had remained in the free areas of the Republic were impelled by their leadership to move to the occupied part of Cyprus.
The Government of the Republic continued to provide electricity, liquefied petroleum and regular supply of water to the occupied areas of the districts of Nicosia, Famagusta and to the region of Pyla after the invasion of 1974, even though apart from the Turkish Cypriots the consumers also included the Turkish occupation forces. The Government of the Republic undertakes the maintenance and repair works needed for the dams providing water to the occupied areas.
Correspondence for persons residing in the part of Cyprus occupied by the Turkish army are forwarded to them through the United Nations, as are pensions and social insurance benefits for Turkish Cypriot beneficiaries residing in the occupied part of Cyprus or abroad.
The Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA) regards Cyprus as a unified whole and makes no distinction regarding the granting of its services. CYTA's network in Nicosia is connected to only 14 telephone lines in the occupied part of Nicosia. Another 4 lines serve the residence and office of the Turkish Cypriot leader. CYTA is not able to provide its services to the part of Cyprus occupied by the Turkish Army.
Medical care is provided to Turkish Cypriots in public hospitals free of charge. Turkish Cypriot patients cross into the areas controlled by the Republic and receive treatment in public hospitals and private clinics.
The Turkish Cypriots of the mixed village of Pyla, part of which lies in the buffer zone, receive free medical care from the Cyprus Government. Admissions are provided to Turkish Cypriots in Larnaca's public hospitals. Medical detachments making their rounds in the district regularly visit Pyla and offer treatment, to both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots of the village.
Turkish Cypriots are also eligible for all certificates and passports issued by the Ministry of Interior.
Policy towards Turkish Cypriots (contd)
The properties of the Turkish Cypriot population who, following the island division of 1974, were forced to move en masse to the areas now controlled by the Turkish occupation forces are administered by the Minister of Interior in accordance to the Turkish Cypriot Properties Administration and other matters Law of 1991.
The Department of Antiquities maintains a list of all Christian and Moslem monuments, which are protected by the Law of Antiquities. This list includes 16 mosques, 4 of which are currently in use. The Department has provided for the preservation and renovation of mosques in the areas controlled by the Republic.
In 2001, the Council of Ministers decided that the regulation providing for the obligatory teaching of the Greek language to Greek Cypriot students in private schools will also apply to Turkish Cypriots. Private schools with Turkish Cypriots students up to the age of 15 must offer these students at least 6 hours of tuition in the Turkish language every week.
The Turkish Cypriots are also eligible for financial assistance provided by the Government to all Cypriot citizens pursuing university education. Since 1997 the Government has granted financial assistance to all Turkish Cypriot employees of the British Military Bases.
Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot youth were encouraged to take part in the European Union's ‘Program for Youth’. The Government subsidized this program, which has involved exchange of visits between youths from Cyprus, Northern Ireland and Austria.
The Government of Cyprus follows a similar approach regarding funds from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The aid given to Turkish Cypriots must be in accordance with certain principles, that is, it should not be utilized for the reactivation of assets belonging to displaced Greek Cypriots; that the process of fund distribution should not lead to a recognition of the illegal secessionist entity and that the projects undertaken should be approved by the minister responsible and to promote the reunification of the island.
The Government of Cyprus regularly contributes toward the expenses of the UNFICYP, which serves both communities.